Natural Antifungal Herbs Antiseptic Ointment contains natural anti fungal herbs that contain astringent, anti fungal and antiseptic properties all of which can prevent nail and skin ailments.

It contains no fungicides and is free from artificial colors and preservatives.


Natural Antifungal Herbs Antiseptic Ointment Ingredients

Product ingredients include the following:

  • Tea Tree,
  • Thyme,
  • Cinnamon,
  • Lavender,
  • Olive Oil,
  • Tansy,
  • Wormwood,
  • Garlic,
  • Poke Root,
  • Black Walnut,
  • Goldenseal Root.

Specific amounts in milliliters of these ingredients were not provided in vendor source Information.


Apply directly with the build in dropper, cotton balls or clean cloth to the infected area.  As a yellow nail treatment apply 3 or 4 times a day. It may sting when applied but it can be diluted if necessary.


The price is normally $14.00 for a .33 oz or 10 milliliter bottle. Currently this product is on sale for $9.95 for the same amount.

Natural Antifungal Herbs Antiseptic Ointment Guarantee

The vendor offers a 60 day money back guarantee if a customer is not satisfied with this product.  Further information about this guarantee and how it works was provided in the vendor source.


Only 1 review was provided in the vendor source but this review was favorable. In view of this, the product sale price and the money back guarantee potential buyers are not taking a big risk to try this product to see how well it works.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.