Onypen Nail Fungus Treatment Review

If you are suffering from any form of fungal infection especially in the nail area, it is best that one should find the best solution for such an embarrassing skin condition. Fortunately, there is even a better and a more unique way to treat your nail fungus and that is with the use of the Onypen Nail Fungus Treatment.

The Onypen Nail Fungus Treatment is a certain kind of pen or marker that is available in most pharmacies and can be bought over the counter. It works by lowering the pH content of the nail which makes it less suitable for the fungus to thrive. It has been known to be clinically tested and safe for use.

Onypen Nail Fungus Treatment Ingredients

The following are considered to be the ingredients of the Onypen Nail Fungus Treatment. Each of these ingredients is geared towards killing the fungus in the affected area of the nail and moreover ensures that the skin condition will be back to its healthy and normal state.

  • Lactic Acid
  • Ethyl Lactate
  • Callitris Intratropical Wood Ois
  • Lavandula Angustifolia


Depending on the severity of your nail fungal infection, one may have to apply as many times as it should be deemed potent and effective as per the doctor’s prescription.

Possible Side Effects

There are no severe side effects that may be noted here. However, there are cases in which the nail may be more brittle and would cause the nails to be broken. There are also times in which it may also cause the drying or flaking of the nails.


The Onypen Nail Fungus Treatment may be bought for $36.99. Unfortunately, there has not any special price or discounts offered expressly for this product.

Onypen Nail Fungus Treatment Guarantee

As mentioned, the risk is yours when it comes to availing for Onypen® Nail Fungus Treatment.


Onypen Nail Fungus Treatment may be too expensive as compared to other anti fungal nail products.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Lamisil AT Athletes Foot Spray Review

Lamisil is a product proven to cure Athlete’s Foot between the toes. It comes in many forms, including gel, cream, spray and spray powder.

Lamisil is the only brand to offer this powerful anti-fungal treatment in spray and gel forms. The active ingredients in Lamisil anti-fungal treatment products cure most Athlete’s Foot in 1 week. Lamisil comes in a bright blue box with yellow lettering, which is hard to miss. I was eager to see how many different types of Lamisil stacked up, so I conducted some research about them.


Lamisil uses an active ingredient in each product.

Cream and spray:


  • Terbinafine

Spray powder:

  • Tolnaftate

Inactive Ingredients in the products include: Benzyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetyl Palmitate, Isopropyl Myristate, Polysorbate 60, Water Purified, Sodium Hydroxide, Sorbitan Monolaurate, Stearyl Alcohol

How Do You Use This?


Between the toes, on the bottom and sides of the feet twice a day for 1 week.


Between the toes once a day for 1 week.


Between the toes twice a day for 1 week.

Spray foot powder:

Used on the affected areas and between the toes twice a day for 4 weeks and 1 to 2 times thereafter to prevent Athlete’s Foot.

The active ingredients in Lamisil should cure most Athlete’s Foot in 1 week.


You can buy Lamisil from many online retailers including Drugstore.com. The official Lamisil website offers a $2 off coupon which could be of use for buyers. I was able to find a 1 oz Lamisil cream on Amazon.com for $13.56, which is a good price if this product acts as it promises.


I was unable to find any guarantee on the official Lamisil website, though the individual suppliers may have their  own policies regarding returns and money back guarantees. I was able to find 11 customer reviews for Lamisil cream on Amazon.com that gave it an overall review of 4.5/5 stars, a very good sign. All of the reviews were either 4 or 5 stars from very satisfied customers.


Lamisil is an Athlete’s Foot product that comes in many different varieties: cream, gel, spray and spray powder. All products have an active ingredient in them and all have a short time frame for curing Athlete’s Foot. I was only able to find a price for Lamisil cream, which retailed for $13.56 on Amazon.com for a 1 oz tube. I found this price to be decent for the product. I could not find a guarantee for Lamisil on the website, though individual retailers may have their own policy.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter Review

Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter is a product made by Utopia Silver Supplements.  It aims to cure toenail fungus through a solution, which is dropped onto the affected toes.

Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter comes in a small brown bottle with a simple white label.

I was unsure whether or not Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter was a product worth buying, so I did some research into whether this is a product which holds up.

Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter Ingredients

I was unable to find a conclusive list or breakdown of ingredients in Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter.  Ingredients include:

Ingredient list only mentions a small line that says with regular usage the fungus should turn dark brown or black and grow out.


The dosage for Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter is 1-2 drops per toenail, 3 times daily.  As the product works, the fungus should turn dark brown or black and grow out, at this point people should have 1 drop per nail daily.  To inhibit new fungal growth, people should continue to use Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter at 1 drop per toe nail 1-3 times per week.


Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter is offered for $19.95 per 2 oz bottle. The bottle has about 60 droppers full of solution; each full dropper having about 20 drops, which is the recommended serving size for regular usage.  This means that each bottle of Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter should have enough solution for 20 days.

Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter Guarantee

Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter does have a money back guarantee, which is of some comfort for buyers. You will receive a full refund for products returned within 60 days.


I could not find any reviews for Dr. Ken’s Toenail Fungus Fighter, which is a concern when deciding to buy a product. I also could not find a breakdown on the product’s effectiveness or specific ingredient list.


Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.


Natural Antifungal Herbs Antiseptic Ointment Review

Natural Antifungal Herbs Antiseptic Ointment contains natural anti fungal herbs that contain astringent, anti fungal and antiseptic properties all of which can prevent nail and skin ailments.

It contains no fungicides and is free from artificial colors and preservatives.


Natural Antifungal Herbs Antiseptic Ointment Ingredients

Product ingredients include the following:

  • Tea Tree,
  • Thyme,
  • Cinnamon,
  • Lavender,
  • Olive Oil,
  • Tansy,
  • Wormwood,
  • Garlic,
  • Poke Root,
  • Black Walnut,
  • Goldenseal Root.

Specific amounts in milliliters of these ingredients were not provided in vendor source Information.


Apply directly with the build in dropper, cotton balls or clean cloth to the infected area.  As a yellow nail treatment apply 3 or 4 times a day. It may sting when applied but it can be diluted if necessary.


The price is normally $14.00 for a .33 oz or 10 milliliter bottle. Currently this product is on sale for $9.95 for the same amount.

Natural Antifungal Herbs Antiseptic Ointment Guarantee

The vendor offers a 60 day money back guarantee if a customer is not satisfied with this product.  Further information about this guarantee and how it works was provided in the vendor source.


Only 1 review was provided in the vendor source but this review was favorable. In view of this, the product sale price and the money back guarantee potential buyers are not taking a big risk to try this product to see how well it works.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

PurNail Review

PurNail is a product that is, according to the manufacturer, scientifically proven to eliminate nail fungus. PurNail starts working immediately after application by using a powerful Undecylenic Acid formula and comes in a white bottle with a black cap and blue and green lettering on the front.

We were interested in the strong claims this website made for PurNail and decided to investigate further.


PurNail Ingredients

PurNail contains the active ingredient of Undecylenic Acid, which is FDA approved to cure fungal infections.

In addition to Undecylenic Acid, the product also includes a proprietary blend of natural oils and skin conditioners. This blend penetrates deep under the hard layer of the fungal nail to treat the infection at its source, while also protecting and healing the skin around your nails. However, a detailed list of ingredients could not be found, which we felt was a little less than transparent. As in our #1 pick, a clear breakdown of contents is fundamental.


PurNail should be applied to the affected area twice a day. After thoroughly cleansing the affected area with warm water and soap, you should completely cover the nail and the skin around the nail with PurNail using the included applicator brush. Users should try to cover the entire nail as thoroughly as possible and to ensure that no area remains untreated. The product may show visible signs of success after 1 or 2 months. Nevertheless, results will vary from person to person, so users should continue to use PurNail until nails look healthy again.


PurNail was offered in different packages for different severity of nail fungus. If you have less than 3 infected nails or your toenail fungus infection is in the earliest stage, then one bottle of PurNail should be enough to treat your nail fungus. One bottle costs $59.99 for 1 month’s supply. Three or more infected nails generally require 2 or 3 bottles which cost $119.95. For more severe infections requiring a greater amount of PurNail to be applied will cost $179.95.

PurNail Guarantee

Their website states that PurNail is guaranteed to work with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, but then of course it would say that!  In addition to this claim, the website backs this up with a 60-day money back guarantee, certainly putting its money where its mouth is. (If they are so confident though, why not offer longer?!!).


PurNail seems like a product that is thoroughly backed by its manufacturers and has a strong guarantee and money-back system in place, albeit, we question why only 60 days money back guarantee, why not longer? However, we were unable to find any personal reviews from users, which definitely lowered its appeal for us. The website offers three different package options for purchase depending on severity of the fungus, but we did find the price to be quite high, especially at $59.95 for just 1 month of treatment. Plus, we felt that they should be more open about the ingredients it contains, as in our #1 pick.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

5 Second Stop Fungus Nail Treatment Review

5 Second Stop Fungus Nail Treatment is an antifungal product that automatically works upon contact to the skin and is said to be available online; not found in stores that sell pharmaceutical products. It is made in the US and is contained in a small black bottle.

What Does It Claim To Do?

The product claims to treat fungal infections in the toes, on the skin of the feet that are quite visible and in between the toes; athlete’s foot. It also claims to have a relieving effect that can sooth the user’s feeling and get rid of all the aches and itchiness brought by the fungal infection.

5 Second Stop Fungus Nail Treatment Ingredients

  • Chloroxylenol 12%. This ingredient is responsible for the antiseptic effect which is important in disinfecting the infection and destroys the bad microorganisms that are residing in live tissue.
  • Tolnaftate 1%. This component is responsible for the prevention of the growth of fungus. It blocks the total process and put it to a halt.
  • Benzocaine USP 0.5%. This ingredient is responsible for the loss of pain and itchiness caused by the fungal infection.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol. Used as a disinfectant.
  • Methyl Pyrrolidone, Methoxyisopropyl Acetate, Cyclomethicone, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, Calcium Fluoride, Phosphoric Acid. Inactive ingredients supporting the major and active composition of the product to hasten the process of healing.


There are no indications for the dosage as long as you apply it in a thin layer over the infected part in the morning and at night.

Possible Side Effects

The product is harmful is taken in and if it has contacts with major sense organs. Most of its ingredients can cause very harmful effects of the human’s health. They are known to be irritants and can have a higher level of allergic reaction if given contact to the inside parts of the person. It is advised to never apply it in open wounds.

Will This Product Produce Long-Term Results?

Yes. This product is for the long term use considering that you will follow the regime up until there are no sign of itchiness and or infection in the affected area.


$2.99. The product costs cheaper compared to the others because of its small packaging; but it is claimed to be very effective that it why it is not made in larger amounts.

5 Second Stop Fungus Nail Treatment Guarantee

There are no indicated guarantees.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Krystal Clean Nail Fungus Treatment Review

Krystal Clean Nail Fungus Treatment is an antimicrobial/antibacterial solution used to kill fungus and bacteria that cause nail fungus.



Active Ingredient

  • An antimicrobial/antibacterial solution

How To Use

No directions are listed for this treatment


On a website for Krystal Clean Nail Fungus Treatment, the cost of this product is listed as $8.95.


I found no mention of a Money-Back Guarantee for Krystal Clean Nail Fungus Treatment.

Is This Product Safe?

Krystal Clean is safe on skin and nails with no harsh acids, oils or alcohol.  In addition, can be used with the addition of artificial nails and nail polish.

Closing Comments

Krystal is a antimicrobial/antibacterial solution used to kill fungus and bacteria that cause nail infection.  There is very little information available about Krystal Clean Nail Fungus Treatment and there is no money-back guarantee.  While inexpensive, it is an unknown.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Fixafungus Review

FixaFungus Toenail Fungus Treatment is an easy to use treatment system for eliminating the fungus that infects finger and toe nails. Fixafungus uses a two-step system, with a pre-treatment followed by an antifungal treatment, which reaches under the nail plate to the fungus below. The pre-treatment helps to make the nail plate more permeable, this enables the broad spectrum antifungal to be used in the second step to penetrate deep into and below the nail bed to where the fungus infection lurks. Fixafungus uses a patent pending Fungicillin, which contains over 10 proven and synergistic fungicidal compounds to effectively treat and cure fungus.

Fixafungus comes in a nice blue box with a clear ‘Fixafungus’ logo and eye catching picture of legs and toes. I looked further to see whether Fixafungus can fix fungus or not.


Fixafungus has a two-step treatment plan with different ingredients.

The Pre-Treament:

Keratrate: Penetration enhancer for ungual (under the nail) drug delivery, which allows the antifungal treatment to work.

The Antifungal Treatment:

Fungicillin: Broad spectrum antifungal created by FixaFungus and composed of natural organic compounds extracted from a variety essential oils and food additives. The proprietary blend includes Manuka oil, red thyme oil, oil of oregano, Foraha/Tamanu oil, turpentine, castor oil, Melaleuca oil, clove tree, eucalyptus and garlic.

How Do You Use These?

To use Fixafungus first you must wash the affected area and dry thoroughly.  Fixafungus is a two part product, the pre-treatment and an antifungal treatment.


Firstly follow the instructions to mix the pre-treatment product correctly. Secondly you must brush lotion directly onto the affected nail, avoiding the surrounding skin. After this the pre-treatment must be refrigerated until next used. The pre-treatment must dry completely (about 10 minutes) before the anti-fungal treatment.

Antifungal Treatment:

Apply a thin layer of FixaFungus Toe and Nail Antifungal Treatment directly onto the nail and the skin immediately surrounding it.

Each package is good for one month’s treatment and the pre-treatment lotion has an expiration date of four weeks after activation.


On the official Fixafungus website you can buy one package for $49.95. I was unable to find it for sale on other websites. Considering that one package only lasts for one month of treatment that makes Fixafungus quite an expensive option.


Yes. FixaFungus is confident in their products and offers a 110% customer satisfaction guarantee. They have a 60 day money-back guarantee. If buyers send back the products the company will refund your money plus 10% as a show of their support for Fixafungus. This is very reassuring for buyers out there who want to ensure they are buying from a manufacturer which backs their products.

There were also four very complementary testimonials left on the Fixafungus website which bodes well for prospective buyers.

Closing Comments

Fixafungus is product which will eliminate fungus in the finger and toe nails. It uses a two-step program, firstly a pre-treatment and then an antifungal treatment. Their antifungal treatment uses a product created by Fixafungus called Fungicillin. While Fixafungus contains a purpose made ingredient it is also an elaborate product which could be quite annoying to apply, you must first mix a pre-treatment lotion, apply that, and then after waiting for that to try, apply to antifungal. The pre-treatment must be refrigerated and expires after just four weeks. The $49.95 price tag coupled with the expiration date makes this product quite an expensive one if you need repeat treatment.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Tammy Taylor Acrylic Nail Powder Review

The product source contains a wide selection of nail powered, nail cover and nail repair and correction products. Product features include the following:

  • Covers imperfections in the natural nail,
  • Covers and extend the nail bed,
  • Can be used to create the nail bed first when doing the reverse technique of nail acrylic application,
  • Does not contain product shimmer,
  • Is available in six color shades,
  • Can use the product with nail-forms to sculpture the entire nail,
  • Can use the product with nail-tips as overlays,
  • Can create the entire nail with a one color process for a natural polished look,
  • A strong and durable product,
  • Can correct unevenly shaped nail-beds.

Tammy Taylor Acrylic Nail Powder Ingredients

The product source only listed Acrylic Nail Powder, a polymer, as an ingredient.


The product source contained no information about product application or dosage.


Prices listed in the product source ranged from $15.95 (a single 1.5 once container) to $44.95 (five 1.5 once containers).

Tammy Taylor Acrylic Nail Powder Guarantee

The product source contained no information about product guarantees or company return policies.


Tammy Taylor Acrylic Nail Product comes in a wide variety of colors and styles with a wide price range depending on how much of the product a customer orders, whether the product is on sale or not and if the product can be purchased as a package including more than one 1.5 once product container. This is a product to experiment with by trying it out first with a single purchase of a 1.5 once container, for example.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Healing Tree Anti-Fungal Treatment Review

Healing Tree’s Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment treats nail fungus. It is a safe yet highly potent treatment that contains all-natural ingredients to help you become fungal-free in a hurry.

A free nail file is included in this package, and user reviews and testimonials are fantastic, making it a great option in a competitive market.

Healing Tree Anti-Fungal Treatment Ingredients

Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment contains both chemical compounds that have been clinically tested, medically acclaimed, and FDA approved to produce great results, as well as all-natural medications for irritation and safe healing of the nails.

  • Benzethonium Chloride is a very strong yet safe antifungal which fights yellowing, cracked infections at the source and ensures that fungus does not regrow.
  • Tea Tree Oil is a natural ointment that fights against irritation and ensures healthy skin and nails during the regrowth period. This oil has been used for years in holistic medicine to treat fungal infections, and is highly effective.
  • White Thyme Oil is a natural antifungal and antibacterial which works with the other ingredients to fight away fungus.
  • Jojoba Oil is a highly effective penetrating moisturizer found in nature that helps nails get the moisture they need to regrow effectively.

Healing Tree uses these products and only these products. They do not use anything harmful or any useless additives, such as alcohol, paraffin wax, fragrances, petroleum, or animal products. This helps you heal naturally, quickly, and irritation-free.

Healthy Nail Anti-Fungal Treatment should be applied once or twice daily. When symptoms dissipate, users can apply only once daily, but they should be sure to continue use for the nail’s entire regrowth cycle, usually 3-12 months, to guarantee long-term results.

Possible Side Effects

Because Healing Tree does not use any additives or harmful chemicals, side effects are rare. However, some users have reactions against the active ingredient or some of the natural ointments, including irritation, redness, or discoloration.


From Healing Tree, you can find a 1 oz bottle for $15.95. Though it cannot be found easily with other vendors, this is an affordable and reasonable price for what you are getting.

Should You Try Healing Tree Anti-Fungal Treatment?

Healing tree boasts a 90.5% natural product that is safe and effective in treating nail fungus. However, this product is not widely available in many stores and lacks discounts and guarantees.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.