Mycosan Fungal Nail Review

Mycosan is an all-inclusive product which is made to treat light forms of fungal nails, protect healthy nails against fungus, and care for the treated nail.  It is manufactured by the company Profoot (UK).  It states it has a short but effective treatment which is dermatologically tested and odor-free.  Mycosan comes in bright purple packaging; the box contains a squeeze tube with brush attached to make application of the product easy, as well as 10 nail files for single use.  Mycosan claims that results can be seen within a few weeks.  I was interested in whether or not Mycosan lived up to these bold claims and did some research further into the product.

Mycosan Nail Fungus Ingredients

Mycosan claims to have a patented formula with a bio-active substance that works to treat fungus deep in the nail; however, I could not find a detailed ingredient list anywhere on this website or any other on the internet.


The website recommends that Mycosan should be applied twice daily on any affected nails for an uninterrupted period of at least 4 weeks.  The product should be left to dry for at least 1 minute.  After 2 weeks of using Mycosan users should start filing the affected nails carefully once a week.  The website advises continuing with the daily treatment until the nail regains a healthy, normal color which may take some months; however, first results should be visible after a couple of weeks.


Mycosan was not available for purchase directly on the website but directed me to, where it retailed at the special price of £16.99 or approximately $23.36 for one package with a 4 ml tube.  The website states that a 4 ml tube should be at least sufficient for treatment of the large toenail.

Mycosan Nail Fungus Guarantee

The website offered no guarantees for Mycosan, but it did have a list of 3 testimonials from customers who purchased the product on revealed that the product had a 4/5 star review from 12 customers. Strangely, the page was for a product sounding very similar to Mycosan but actually had the name ClearFeet; the product was currently unavailable to be purchased. Perhaps at some time in the past ClearFeet re-branded into Mycosan, but I am not sure.


Mycosan offers a product at a decent price with reasonably good reviews. Unfortunately, the website did not list the ingredients despite multiple claims at a special, patented combination formula with a bio-active ingredient.  This is somewhat worrisome for anyone considering buying the product, as general buyers would like to know what a treatment contains before using it on their body.  Also, all of the reviews for Mycosan are actually for a product named ClearFeet, which sounds very similar to Mycosan but we’re unsure whether or not they are the same product.


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Loceryl 5 Nail Lacquer GALDERMA Review

It is always the objective of every person to achieve proper hygiene especially when it comes to your fingers and nails. See, there are times that human nails may be infested with infections coming from fungal origins. Thus, with the help of the Loceryl 5 Nail Lacquer for Nail Fungus GALDERMA will be here to provide as a solution for you.

Basically, while most people think it’s a nail polish, this functions more than what just a nail polish can do. This type of lacquer has a special type of medicine that particularly fights fungal infections. Having used this product, you will be able to provide treatment for your nail fungal infection.

Loceryl 5 Nail Lacquer GALDERMA Ingredients

One should know that the main ingredient that makes Loceryl 5 Nail Lacquer for Nail Fungus GALDERMA to be very effective is the amorolfine. This is a type of substances that particularly fights fungal infection. In fact, a lot of people find amorolfine to be a very effective treatment for fungal infections. It has a 5% solution of amorolfine which is just what is being needed as per Galderma in order for the fungal infection to be stopped.


Just like how you do it with a nail polish, all you have to do is that paint the affected nails with this nail lacquer. However, depending on the gravity or the severity of the fungal infection, one should strictly depend on the doctors’ orders for this one.

Possible Side Effects

While this is not a very common side effect, some people may experience having brittle nails or broken nails after applying the said nail lacquer. At times, a burning sensation may also occur.


It costs $34.99 and it does offer some promos from selected authorized sellers.

Loceryl 5 Nail Lacquer GALDERMA  Guarantee

Unfortunately, there has been no set and established guarantee agreements or money back policies for this product.


Loceryl 5 Nail Lacquer for Nail Fungus GALDERMA may be considered an anti fungal nail lacquer, but it lacks the ability to eliminate ALL nail fungus.

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Herbs Of Kedem Sephorris Review

Sephorris is a product made by Herb of Kadem. The product blocks the proliferation of microorganisms, which causes a thickness and yellowing of the nail. Through a mixture of essential oils and herbal extracts, it stops the growth of various fungi, yeasts and molds. It will also stop the nail’s degradation. The Sephorris website states that after about 1 week of application and upon completion of the treatment, the nail will return to its natural color. Sephorris is highly anti-bacterial and claims a success rate higher than 95%. It comes in an eye-catching pink box, with a brown glass bottle inside. I looked further to see if Sephorris is more than fancy packaging, checking the ingredients, price and guarantee of the product for prospective buyers.

Sephorris Ingredients

Sephorris contains many active ingredients:

  • Melalecua Alternifolia (Tea Tree): Antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal.
  • Origanum Vulgare (Oregano): An anti-infective, antifungal (mycoses) and antiasthenic (tiredness)
  • Thymus Vulgaris (Thyme): An anti-infective and Immunostimulant.
  • Cinnamomum Zeylanycum (Cinnamon): An anti-infective and Immunostimulant
  • Satureja Hortensis  (Savory) Oil: An antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic and antiviral. It will also stimulate the immune systems.
  • Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove): Anti-infective, analgesic and anti-parasitic.
  • Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary): A painkiller, anti-catarrhal, healing product
  • Cananga Odorata (Ylang Ylang): External Analgesic, balance sebum secretion and antiseptic

How Do You Use This?

To use Sephorris, users should apply a fine coat directly to the infected nail with brush provided. The product should be applied twice a day – morning and evening.

For infections that are more than three years old, a prolonged treatment may be necessary, often up to 12 months or more in severe cases. In such cases, it is crucial to follow through with your treatment – the darkening of the nail to a Grey, Brown, or Black color is an indication that the treatment has started to act on the fungus. For very thick nails, it is advised to soak in warm water and file them down before starting your treatment program.

The website advises that a bottle of 10 ml is enough for 9 months of treatment for one nail and that treatment could last anywhere from 3 months to 1 year.


I was able to find Sephorris on several different online retailers. sold Sephorris for $39.95 while Aviva sold it for $36.99. Vitamin Global sold the product for around $27, which is a sale at the moment, down from around $45 (prices were in Canadian currency). At these prices, Sephorris seems like a fairly expensive product, though the instructions did claim that one bottle is enough for 9 months of treatment for one nail.

Sephorris Guarantee

I was unable to find any guarantees for Sephorris in particular. Individual retailers will have their own money-back policies for products, however; so a buyer may wish to shop around.

I was able to find some user reviews, many of which were 5/5 stars, indicating a lot of happy customers.


Sephorris seems like a sound product which seems to do what it states it will — stop the growth of nail fungi, yeast and molds and stop the nail’s degradation. Sephorris uses all-natural ingredients, which may be a bonus for some potential buyers. The instructions for use are easy to follow, though the treatment time is significant — up to 12 months depending on the type of fungus. I found varying prices for Sephorris online, from around $27 up to $39.95. Many of the buyers left happy reviews of the product, which is a good sign.


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Citrusway Nail Solution Review

Citrusway Nail Solution is a topical application to help discolored and darkened fingernails an toenails.


  • Distilled Water
  • Citrus Extract
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Vegetable Based Glycerin

How To Use

Apply one drop of Citrusway Nail Solution around and under nail.  Apply twice a day.


Citrusway Nail Solution is $11.99 for a half ounce bottle.


I found no mention of a Money-Back Guarantee for Citrusway Nail Solution.

Is This Product Safe?

Because the active ingredient is mild, there are no known side effects from this product.  You may, however, experience redness and dryness at the site of application.

Closing Comments

Citrusway Nail Solution is a topical solution used to treat discolored and darkened nails.  Do not confuse this product with products that treat nail fungus.  At $11.99 and no money back guarantee this is not a product to treat nail fungus.

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Nailner Repair Brush Review

Nailner is a product that treats nail fungus. It comes in three different and convenient application options: spray, brush, and pen.

Nailner claims to work in just a matter of weeks, due to its specialized formula that saturates the nail and works continuously throughout the day.



What’s It Really Made Of?

The active ingredient in Nailner is Ethyl Lactate. This is a solvent that is found naturally in products such as wine or chicken, and has been proven effective in treating fungal infections. Since it is a solvent, it dissolves into the nail and continuously works to get rid of fungus in a natural and harmless way.

How To Use Nailner Repair Brush

The user must use Nailner differently depending on his or her preference of application. The pen and the brush require the user to completely cover the nail with each application. The spray should be applied evenly about 10 – 15 cm away from the nail. However, the dosage for each option is the same.

The user should apply the solution to the nails twice a day for 3 – 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, the user can apply once a day for the entire re-growth of the nail, which is about 6 – 8 months.

This is a long application time and can seem daunting. However, Nailner will get rid of fungus early on, and as the nail grows back — if applied for the entire 6 – 8 months — will ensure that fungus doesn’t grow back.

Possible Side Effects

There is no indication that this product will produce side effects for the user, as the formula is natural and non-toxic. No adverse reactions have been reported.

Will Nailner Repair Brush Cure Nail Fungus?

Because Nailner requires you to use it for the entire regrowth of the nail, it is effective in producing long-term results, and will work to cure the fungus. It’s natural formula has been clinically tested, and users report good ratings after using Nailner.

Is It Affordable?

Nailner can be bought in select pharmacies and from for approximately $40.00. This will last for 300 applications. However, it is a European product and therefore is limited in availability. For this reason, Nailner is not an affordable option, and is difficult to obtain.

Is It Worth It?

Nailner is a natural product, produces no side effects, and has long-term benefits. However, the 6 – 8 month treatment time, the lack of availability in American markets and pharmacies, and the expense make it unaffordable and unattractive to most users.

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FungiFree Nail Rescue Review

The FungiFree Nail Rescue is fungal treatment product for the nails and nail beds. It is a 1 to 4 step for actual fungal removal in the nails which the manufacturers consider as the main aim for the product. It comes in 5 different bottle; each with a specific action.

What Does It Claim To Do?

The product claims to get rid of the fungal infection in the nails and nail beds which are very hard to deal with considering that other products mostly focus on the skin and penetrating the nails is quite difficult. It also claims to naturally regenerate the whole appearance and texture of the nails for better looking feet and or hands.

FungiFree Nail Rescue Ingredients

  • Nigella Sativa. This ingredient is responsible for the anti-scarring benefits of the product. It is claimed to have natural healing abilities.
  • Bentonite Clay.
  • Arrowroot
  • Pure Essential Oils


  • Fungi Free Soap – 6fl oz
  • Fungi Free Spray – 2 fl oz
  • Fungi Free Oil – 2 fl oz
  • Fungi Free Foot and Boot Powder – 4.5 oz

This regime must be applied twice to thrice daily for faster and best results. It is advised to trim the infected nails regularly so as to get rid of the whole fungal infection.

Possible Side Effects

Unlike other fungal treatment product, this one is claiming to be all natural which is a pro to a person’s health is somehow. However, it is still recommended to seek advice from experts because individual ingredients may cause allergic reactions given that you are hypersensitive to this kind of herbal components. It may also interact with medication taken by people who have underlying health issues.

Will This Product Produce Long-Term Results?

The product have long term results given that the user will continually apply the product until there is no evidence of any fungal infection.


The product price $110.00 which is way too expensive in comparison to other antifungal treatment product. This is because it is composed of 5 bottles with each having a different aim for treatment.

FungiFree Nail Rescue Guarantee

There are no indications and or claims for a money back guarantee. The manufacturer is confident with how the product works.


The FungiFree Nail Rescue is a good antifungal treatment considering the fact that is all natural.

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Footlogix Anti-Fungal Tincture Spray Review

Footlogix Anti-Fungal Tincture Spray contains what the product source describes as an effective anti-fungal agent that the product vendor claims is proven to provide preventative care for toenails prone to fungal infections.

The tincture can also be used between the toes for peeling skin.

Footlogix Anti-Fungal Tincture Spray Ingredients

The tincture contains avocado oil and Panthenol.  Specific amounts of these ingredients are not provided in the product source.


No information about product application or dosage is provided in the product source.  The product comes in a 50 milliliter spray container (1.7 fluid ounces).


No information about product price is provided in the product source. The product source does contain a web tool purchasers can use  to locate a nearby dealer who sells the product, however.

Footlogix Anti-Fungal Tincture Spray Guarantee

No information is provided about product guarantees or returns in the product source. The product source does contain a number of user testimonials.


Before ordering this product it would be useful to learn more about it than the information provided in the product source and website. Since the website has a feature to locate dealers this feature can be used to locate a nearby dealer who can provide additional information about the product.

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CURALL Fungus Treatment Review

CURALL Fungus Treatment is a 100% Botanical Extract that aids in the clearing of fungus on nails and some cases of Athlete’s Foot and skin infections.

CURALL Fungus Treatment Ingredients

  • Organic Carthamus Tinctorius Seed Oil
  • Organic Azadrachta Indica Seed Oil
  • Organic Calophy Ilum Inophyllum Nut Oil
  • Organic Lavandula Angustifolia Flower Oil
  • Organic Melaleuca Alternifolia Leaf Oil

How To Use

For Nails – Brush oil onto nails and surrounding areas twice daily

For Skin – Clean skin and brush onto affected area twice daily


I found CURALL on a website for around $16 per bottle.

CURALL Fungus Treatment Guarantee

I found no mention of a Money-Back Guarantee for CURALL Fungus Treatment.

Is This Product Safe?

While CURALL is made 100% of Botanical Extracts, it does not come without its warnings. This product contains nut derivatives. Do NOT use if you have an allergy to nuts. Do not use this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Seek the advice of a Physician before using if you have any medical conditions. This product requires you to do a 24-hour patch test BEFORE regular administration.

Closing Comments

CURALL is made of 100% Botanical Extracts and is a mild treatment for the relief of Nail Fungus. Because the active ingredient is mild, you may have to use a longer period of time than some other products. With a price of around $16 per bottle, and no money back guarantee, CURALL Fungus Treatment may become a pricy solution. In addition, there are several disturbing warnings associated with this product.

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Nailtiques Fungus Treatment Review

Nailtiques Anti-Fungal Treatment oil is a product which treats common nail fungus infections.

Nailtiques is applied with the unique flow-through applicator, and the formula’s blend of oils and fungus-fighting ingredients help kill and stop the spread of germs and bacteria on and under nails.

Nailtiques comes in a small 1/3 oz bottle with a silver lid. I was eager to see if Nailtiques Anti-Fungal Treatment was a treatment that worked well; so I looked further to find out more.

Nailtiques Fungus Treatment Ingredients

Polysorbate 20, Caprylic Acid, Camellia Sinensis/Green Tea Leaf Extract, Lactic Acid, Melaleuca Alternifolia/Tea Tree Leaf Oil, Malic Acid, Lauric Acid, Phenylalanine, Rosmarinus Officinalis/ Rosemary Leaf Oil, Salicylic Acid, Citric Acid, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Citrus Grandis/Grapefruit Peel Oil, Aroma, Nicotinic Acid, Tocopherol, Calophyllum Inophyllum Seed Oil, Rosa Canina/Rose Hips Fruit Oil.

While I was able to find a long list of ingredients in Nailtiques, I was unable to find a clear explanation about what any of these ingredients do to help nail fungus, which is unfortunate for a buyer looking to understand exactly how a product might work for them.

How Do You Use This?

To use Nailtiques you should clean the nail with soap and water and allow it to dry thoroughly. You should then use the flow-through applicator to apply oil on the affected nail and its free edge. This should be repeated twice each day for maximum effect.


I was able to find the 1/3 oz bottle on the official Nailtiques website for $22.00. Unfortunately at this time it is unavailable. Many other online retailers matched the price of the official website, however offered Nailtiques for $25.50.

Nailtiques Fungus Treatment Guarantee

I was unable to find any guarantee on the official Nailtiques website. For individual online retailers their money-back guarantees will vary between each place.

I was able to find two customer reviews for two different websites. One gave the product a 3/5 star review because they found it unfair to judge a product which took so long to see results. Another review gave Nailtiques 4/5 stars and found it a very good product but that they were currently using their fourth bottle of product, indicating that perhaps Nailtiques does take a long time to work.


Nailtiques as a product to kill nail fungus has some positive reviews. Unfortunately for the product it has a poorly explained ingredient list, which makes it hard for buyers to understand how exactly the product works. It also did not include instructions for how long to use Nailtiques; though, from one user’s review who was on their fourth bottle we might assume it is until a healthy nail has grown in, a process which might take around 6 to 9 months. The price of $22 for a 1/3 oz bottle is not especially cheap but nor is it very expensive.

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Dr. G’s Clear Nail Review

Dr. G’s Clear Nail Antifungal Treatment is a solution that will kill the fungus that can cause nail infections. It is made by Woodward Laboratories. Dr. G’s also promotes new healthy nail development through a gentle, odor and acid-free, antimicrobial germ-killing solution.  It is safe and effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Dr. G’s was developed by a foot doctor and clinically tested. The website claims you can see noticeable improvement within 90 days with regular daily use as directed. Dr. G’s comes in a black and purple box and the product itself is in a small white bottle with purple lettering. Keen to know if Dr. G’s works or not, I looked into the cost, ingredients and guarantee of Dr. G’s.

Dr. G’s Clear Nail Antifungal Treatment Ingredients

Dr. G’s contains both active and inactive ingredients.

Active Ingredient:

Tolnaftate 1%: An Antifungal

Inactive Ingredients:

Water, Caprylic/Capric triglycerides, Isopropyl palmitate, Polyquaternium 37, Propylene glycol, Dicaprylate dicaprate, PPG-1 Trideceth-6, Cocamidopropyl betaine, Cocamidopropylamine oxide, Phemerol chloride, Cetrimonium chloride, Allantoin, Didecyldimonium chloride, Quaternium-15.

How Do You Use This?

To use Dr. G’s there is a three-step process. First, apply 2-3 drops twice daily around the entire nail, under the free edge (tip) and over the cuticle. It is not necessary to apply on the nail itself as the solution penetrates through the cuticle skin to the nail matrix. Second, for infections on or between the toes allow solution to dry completely before putting on socks and shoes. Third, application to the adjacent finger or toe areas is recommended to prevent the spread of the infection.


You can buy Dr. G’s at many online retailers or at physical addresses listed on their website. I was able to find one bottle of Dr. G’s available for purchase for $14.99. This is a good price for the size of the product.

Dr. G’s Clear Nail Antifungal Treatment Guarantee

I was unable to find a guarantee on the product website, though individual retailers may have their own money back guarantees for products they supply. I was able to find some reviews for Dr. G’s which were all very favorable. One online supplier had 7/7 customers give the product a 5-star review, which is a great sign; though several did wish that the price was slightly less.


Dr. G’s Clear Nail Antifungal Treatment is a product which promises to kill nail fungus and promote growth of healthy nails. The product is a brush-on solution that should be applied around the nail bed twice a day. People may see results after 90 days of use, which is about the time when users would see new nail growth. Dr. G’s is available for $14.99 at online retailers and has very satisfactory reviews from past customers. I was unable to find a guarantee from the official Dr. G’s website itself however.

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