Kerasal Nail Review

This review looks at a product called Kerasal Nail which works to improve the appearance of toenails and fingernails damaged by fungus, psoriasis or trauma. The manufacturer of Kerasal state that it contains a nail-penetrating formula that works directly on and around the nail, to normalize thickened nails, reduce discoloration, and restore healthy nail appearance.

We felt that this product warranted further investigation to discover what Kerasal was really like and how effective it really is.

Kerasal Nail Ingredients

Kerasal Nail’s patented formula combines:


Kerasal Nail should be applied just once a day to the discolored/deformed nail, according to the manufacturer. The amount of time needed to continue treatment will vary depending on severity of the fungus or psoriasis. Users will see changes within 2 – 4 weeks but the normal length of treatment is anywhere from 3 – 6 months. Ideally you would continue to use Kerasal Nail until a normal nail has grown in. We think their 2-4 weeks prediction is slightly unrealistic, especially for infections that have been present for sometime.  There are other factors to consider such as the type of footwear that is worn and whether or not, sufferers are allowing their feet/nails to be exposed to the air to speed up healing.  We would like to have seen some advice on this.


We were able to find Kerasal Nail on for $17.24. This was for a 10ml tube of Kerasal Nail, which the box states is a 3-month supply. The low cost is appealing but raises some concerns about the quality of the ingredients used in product formulation. More often than not, cheap price is reflective on the quality of ingredients.

Kerasal Nail Guarantee

We were unable to find any kind of  money back guarantee for Kerasal Nail. Their website says that it is a clinically proven product, yet we could not find any substantive evidence to backup this claim. Kerasal’s website along with many of the online stock sites have reviews and testimonials for the product, some were positive and others negative.


Kerasal Nail is a product that appears quite affordable and good value for money. However, that said, upon further exploration, the ingredients seem somewhat questionable as we were unable to find any clinical evidence for their effectiveness for treating fungus infections. One of the most effective ingredients for eliminating fungus infections is undecylenic acid, which is supported by clinical studies. This product may well benefit from such an ingredient. We were also very disappointed to see that this manufacturer does not put their money where their mouth is and offer an effective money back guarantee. A good money back guarantee shows confidence in a product so this was definitely a negative point for them.

Overall, while this product may be helpful for some consumers, there are other, more effective options worth looking into with more clinically proven ingredients more beneficial and effective at both treating the symptoms of fungal infections and addressing the root causes to aid prevention, before simply settling on this product.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

What Is Leukonychia?

Definition of Leukonychia

As with most medical words, this one is long and confusing, but what is it? Leukonychia is a condition that affects the nails. It typically appears as though the nail changes color. In this condition, the nail can either partially change color or fully change color. It is caused either by systemic problems or by a genetic disorder. The nail has looks like a normal nail; it is shaped like a normal nail, but it turns white.

The white appearance of the nail is caused by cells called “parakeratotoic cells.” These cells are not fully under-developed and contain a bulky nucleus. Inside the nucleus, these cells are known to contain keratohyalins. This slight cellular difference causes the nail to look white.

Different Types of Leukonychia

True Leukonychia

This type of leukonychia contains two different variations called total leukonychia and partial leukonychia. The difference between the two depends on the appearance of the nail. The difference in appearance is described as completely white or only two-thirds of the way discolored.

  • Total Leukonychia – Considered an autosomal dominant condition. This is not the only cause. Other problems may cause this disorder including:What Is Leukonychia?
    • Leprosy
    • Typhoid
    • Cytotoxic Drugs
    • Biting your nails
  • Partial Leukonychia – Considered only a phase of total leukonychia. While there are many different causes, the most common are:
    • Metastatic carcinoma
    • Tuberculosis
    • Leprosy

In total, there are three different types of partial leukonychia.

  • Transverse leukonychia – This disorder causes the nail to appear multi-colored. While it occurs in both men and women, it is seen mostly in women’s fingernails. There are many different causes but the most common are:
    • Respiratory infections
    • High fever
    • Malaria
    • Leprosy
  • Punctate leukonychia – This is the most common type of leukonychia. It can occur in the nails of any person and can happen multiple times in their lifetime. In this type of leukonychia, the nail appears to have small white spots that fade over a short period of time.
  • Longitudinal leukonychia – Appears as a small white line that is under the nail. It may make the nail appear to be bumpy, while it is actually flat and smooth.

Pseudo Leukonychia

What Is Leukonychia?This type of leukonychia is diagnosed when there is a discoloration in the nail due to changes in the nail bed. There are three different forms of this disorder:

  • Terry’s nails – This type affects most of the nail and causes most of the nail to be white in color. The rest of the nail will appear pink or brown in color.
  • Muehrcke’s nails – This disorder causes the nail to appear as though it has several white bands.
  • Half and half nails – This disorder causes the nail to appear white and dull in color. The rest of the nail may appear brown.

Treatment for Leukonychia

The most effective treatment for leukonychia is to treat it at the source. The cause of leukonychia is a zinc disorder which can easily be treated with an over-the-counter supplement. While the nail is affected, you should avoid any contact with chemicals or other substances that may damage them further.

Beer Soak – Homeopathic Remedy for Nail Fungus

Beer Soak as a Nail Fungus Remedy

Not only is the yellowing of fingernails and toenails unattractive, but it can also be harmful and contagious. Fungus living in or under your nail causes  such discoloration. The disorder is not uncommon, but it canBeer Soak – Homeopathic Remedy for Nail Fungus make nails become rough and thick as well as turn yellow or white.  While a severe case of nail fungus infection may require prescription medication, milder cases may be treated at home with various remedies. Homeopathic remedies have been used for many years and have been proven effective nail fungus treatments.

One of the treatments is very simple. Combine dark beer, also known as stout, white vinegar, and acidophilus together to soak your feet in. Acidophilus is a bacterium that works well in treating nail fungus infections. Mixed with beer, it creates an environment that does not permit growth of the fungus.

Why Does It Work?

The vinegar and acidophilus combine together to create an acidic environment. Fungi cannot survive in an acidic environment. Bacteria, like acidophilus, thrive in this environment and fight infection.

The alcohol in the beer softens the tissue around the nail, allowing the vinegar to get under the nail and begin killing the fungus.

Nail Fungus Soak Recipe

  • 1 large bowl or tub (large enough to soak the affected area)
  • 4 cups white vinegar.
  • 2 pints of stout.
  • 1 sachet of acidophilus
  • Nail file (use it at least once per week).


You can use this mixture for up to 48 hours mixing it up. You can use it repeatedly during this time frame.

  1. Mix the ingredients in the soaking container.
  2. Soak the affected nails in the container for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Wash the affected area with warm water and soap.
  4. Dry completely.

Soak the affected area at least twice per day for 3 to 6 months.

Once Per Week

Beer Soak – Homeopathic Remedy for Nail FungusOnce per week, right after you have soaked the affected area, use a nail file to file the affected nails. When you do this, expose the new nail. Soak the affected area for an additional 30 minutes. Wash with warm soap and water as you normally would and dry completely.

If you notice that the area around the nail becomes sensitive after you soak them, or during the soak, reduce the number of times you soak them to once per day. After about a month, you will see a change take place.

If the affected area is not too severe, you may see change after about a week of treatment. You must use the treatment on a regular basis and do not miss a treatment. After the fungal infection begins to die off, you will see new, a fresh nail growing from the cuticle area.

Over time, trimming your nail will eventually cut off the portion that was yellow and thick, and a new, beautiful nail will take its place. It may take up to 12 weeks for a new nail to grow in place of the old infected one.

Forces of Nature Nail Fungus Control Review

Forces of Nature nail fungus control promises to safely eliminate nail fungus with a powerful, certified-organic nail fungus cure. It guarantees its results. Forces of Nature is an organic remedy which promises to eliminate fungus in and under the nail.  It states it will heal without harming the skin and contains no chemicals nor does it have any side effects. It comes in both regular and extra strength.

Forces of Nature is in a purple glass bottle which comes in a white box with instructions and labels.  Forces of Nature makes strong promises, so I set about checking the product out.

Forces of Nature Nail Fungus Control Ingredients

There were both active and inactive ngredients in regular strength Forces of Nature nail fungus control.  The active ingredients were:

Inactive ingredients were:

  • Madagascar Eugenia Caryophyllata
  • Madagascar Pelargonium Graveolens
  • Sri Lankan Cymbopogon Ciatrus
  • Australian Melaleuca Alternifolia
  • American Sesamum Indicum


After washing and thoroughly drying the affected areas, users should apply 1-2 drops and gently rub into the affected area.  This should be repeated 3 times per day.

Hands should be washed afterwards and it is not recommended for children under the age of three.


There are two types of Forces of Nature nail fungus control: regular and extra strength.  Each type comes in both an 11 ml and 33 ml bottle. The regular strength 11 ml bottle is $26.95 while the 33 ml bottle is $59.85.  For an 11 ml bottle of extra strength the price is $19.95, and for 33 ml it is $64.85.  Both of the 33 ml bottles are currently at a special price.

Forces of Nature Nail Fungus Control Guarantee

Yes! The website is very clear about their guarantee.  There is a 100% money back guarantee valid for one year after purchase. Their website states that they are so confident in their products that if they do not work then they do not deserved to be paid and offer a full refund.  There is also a customer testimonial stating their happiness with the product.


Forces of Nature seems like a sound product with a sensible treatment routine to follow and affordable prices.  The website has a very strong return policy and quality guarantee, which is good to see.  Despite this guarantee, there was only one review I could find on the website about the product, and though it was complimentary, it was only one review and therefore not a great sample size for potential buyers.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Myxoid Cyst or Digital Mucous

Myxoid Cyst or Digital Mucous

A Myxoid cyst can develop if there is any alteration of the tissue on the tip of the toe. The cyst is a shiny bump that typically goes unnoticed until it begins to grow larger. It feels soft and slightly rubbery. It appears somewhat transparent.

When they develop, typically on the end of a finger or toe, they can grow to about ¾ of an inch wide. Sometimes, these cysts break open and spill their contents. Typically, the contents are white or yellowish in color and very thick. Myxoid cysts are more common in women than they are men, and are also moreMyxoid Cyst or Digital Mucous common in people who are over the age of 45.

What is a Myxoid Cyst?

Myxoid cysts typically develop if there is minor trauma. They can also be caused by friction, in the same manner that a blister would be created. Keeping your hands in water for long periods of time can also cause these cysts to grow. Your body can soak up the water and it can collect in a bump, this can develop into an infection.

How is it Treated?

The best thing about this particular disorder is that unless there is pain or throbbing, there is no urgency in getting treatment. This disease can also go away on its own. You can also help the cyst go away by pressing on it or squeezing it.

If you seek a medical doctor for help, the typical way to remove it is cryotherapy.

  • Cryotherapy is the act of freezing an area in an effort to kill off the infection. This is typically done using liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide snow, propane, and dymethyl ether. The most popular approach uses liquid nitrogen. This treatment is very safe, quick and effective in removing a wide variety of unwanted cysts and warts.
  • Liquid Nitrogen Treatment – Using this treatment, a cryoprobe, cryospray, or cotton-tipped applicator is placed directly on the cyst. It freezes the cyst and helps heal the skin.Myxoid Cyst or Digital Mucous
  • CO2 Snow Treatment – Carbon Dioxide cryotherapy utilizes a tube of icy carbon dioxide that is sprayed directly onto the affected area.
  • DMEP treatment – This treatment uses a foam applicator. The chemical is applied directly to the area for about 20 to 50 seconds. The time it is left on depends greatly on the size of the cyst and the location on the body.

Some Myxoid cysts can be removed in a surgical manner. It is important to note that removing one surgically makes it more likely that the problem will reoccur. If you choose this way of treatment, your doctor will also order an ultrasound and possibly an MRI which can be very expensive.

If the cyst is not painful, your doctor may insert a needle and remove the fluid. This will leave the existing skin to heal. If this method is used, the area around the cyst may peel away shortly after the procedure.

Fungiban Nail Fungus Treatment Review

Fungiban Nail Fungus Treatment is a compound of anti-fungal essential oils to help alleviate nail fungus.

Fungiban Nail Fungus Treatment Active Ingredient

Terbinafine Hydrochloride – is a synthetic allylamine antifungal.

Fungiban Nail Fungus Treatment Inactive Ingredients

How To Use

Clean affected area with warm soap and water. Thoroughly dry area. Apply a thin coat to area two to three times daily.


On the official Fungiban website you can buy one package for $20.99. This is for a one-ounce bottle and will last one to two months.


Fungiban Nail Fungus Treatment has a 30 day Money-Back Guarantee.

Is This Product Safe?

Because the active ingredient is mild, there are no known side effects from this product. You may, however, experience redness and dryness at the site of application.

Closing Comments

Fungiban is a mild treatment for the relief of Nail and Skin Fungus. Because the active ingredient is mild, you may have to use a longer period of time than some other products. With a price of $20.99 and a 30 day money back guarantee, Fungiban Nail Fungus Treatment may be an affordable solution to your fungus needs. However, treatment may take over the 30 day mark, leaving you with no opportunity to return this product.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Flexitol Nail Cream Review

Flexitol is a product that treats both athlete’s foot and ringworm.

It comes in a convenient tube that boasts easy application and quick results.


Flexitol Nail Cream Formula

Flexitol contains five active ingredients that work together to treat fungal infections quickly and effectively.

1. Urea is a chemical found both naturally and manufactured in scientific labs which acts as a nail and skin softener. It has been used for years to treat fungal infections, and topical use proves to be effective and safe. With hardly any side effects, it is highly recommended for treatment of fungal infections like athlete’s foot and ringworm.

2. Aloe is a natural ointment that soothes irritation and itching, and works immediately to stop the more unpleasant parts of fungal infections.

3. Vitamin E is a natural vitamin which strengthens and revitalizes skin to ensure healthy re-growth and a natural, safe way to recover from fungus on the skin. It also helps to guarantee that fungus does not return after it goes away.

4. Tea Tree Oil has been used for centuries in holistic medicine to treat fungal infections, and is all-natural and safe for any user.

5. Eucalyptus Oil is soothing.

This formula is not only effective, but also clinically proven to work and diabetic friendly.

How Often To Apply

Flexitol should be applied once or twice a day, and more if needed for relief from irritation. It can be applied by a convenient brush-applicator, which reaches hard-to-reach areas under the nails. When the affected area begins to heal, after approximately 3-4 weeks, users can apply less frequently. As with most nail anti-fungal treatments, best results are seen when applied for 6-8 months.

Possible Side Effects

Flexitol can cause irritation and redness. If users experience this, they should discontinue and use a product without Urea.

Is This Affordable?

Flexitol can be bought from many different vendors such as Walgreens or A 1 ounce bottle is $9.99. Therefore, it is a very affordable way to find relief from fungal infections of the skin and nail.

Is Flexitol Nail Cream Worth Your Time?

Flexitol is widely available and affordable. However, the product does cause irritation and redness.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Alva Amco Maximum Strength FUNGICURE Review

The packaging is in green which makes you think of a natural approach to clearing out fungus problems. The package also shows nails afflicted with the fungus. It shows how bad fungal infection can be and that Fungi Cure is the solution for that.

It strongly upholds the statement of a fast application and treatment of fungal infection with no medicinal odor.

What Does It Contain?

  • Active ingredients – Undecylenic acid – 25% (a proven anti-fungal substance that prohibits growth)
  • Inactive ingredients – Hypromellose, Fragrance, Aloe Vera gel, Alcohol (isopropyl) purified Vitamin E, and water


It is applied twice a day using the direct applicator brush

Possible Side Effects

There is no side effect in using the fungal treatment.


The suggested price for the liquid anti-fungal treatment is $12.94. This does not come with any discount prices aside from buying them from registered pharmacies.

Alva Amco Maximum Strength FUNGICURE Guarantee

There is no indication of a money back guarantee. However, the treatment indicated the application on the skin and cuticle area of toes and nails where fungus may reside. It does work on hard surfaced nails as indicated in their label.


Alva Amco Maximum Strength FUNGICURE Anti-Fungal Liquid is a clear liquid that utilizes undecylenic acid capable of prohibiting fungal growth in the area. This is recommended for daily use, but its downside is that the treatment does not treat fungus under hard surfaced nails as the application requires that it should applied on the side of the nails and toes areas. The acid only works on the skin directly affected by the fungus and that is only for $12.94 a package.

Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.

Onychoschizia – Split Nail

Onychoschizia: What it is and How to Treat it

Onychoschizia is a condition in which the nail falls apart or splits easily. Typically, those who have onychoschizia have nails that are thin, squashy ,and fragile, and contain crumple lines. Those with this disorder are more likely to develop nail infections. This condition is more commonly found in women than men.

What Causes Onychoschizia?

  • Having nails submerged in any form of liquid for a long period of time
  • Poor nutritionOnychoschizia – Split Nail
  • Certain vitamin deficiencies
  • Nail polish remover
  • Stress

How to Handle Onychoschizia

  • Wear gloves when you are using cleaning materials or having your hands submerged in water for a long period of time.
  • Use ointments or lotions that contain ingredients like alpha hydroxyl acid.
  • Do not use your fingernails to dial the telephone or push against things.
  • Learn how to treat your nails.
  • Wear gloves in the winter.
  • Trim your nails and file them to be flush with your fingertip.
  • Do not buff the surface of your nails, this thins them out and they are already thin enough.
  • Take a vitamin supplement that contains biotin. Women who are pregnant should not take this supplement.
  • Use nutritional supplements to help increase the strength of your nails.
  • Wear nail polish that contains nylon fibers. This will help strengthen your nails.

Mycosan Fungal Nail Review

Mycosan is an all-inclusive product which is made to treat light forms of fungal nails, protect healthy nails against fungus, and care for the treated nail.  It is manufactured by the company Profoot (UK).  It states it has a short but effective treatment which is dermatologically tested and odor-free.  Mycosan comes in bright purple packaging; the box contains a squeeze tube with brush attached to make application of the product easy, as well as 10 nail files for single use.  Mycosan claims that results can be seen within a few weeks.  I was interested in whether or not Mycosan lived up to these bold claims and did some research further into the product.

Mycosan Nail Fungus Ingredients

Mycosan claims to have a patented formula with a bio-active substance that works to treat fungus deep in the nail; however, I could not find a detailed ingredient list anywhere on this website or any other on the internet.


The website recommends that Mycosan should be applied twice daily on any affected nails for an uninterrupted period of at least 4 weeks.  The product should be left to dry for at least 1 minute.  After 2 weeks of using Mycosan users should start filing the affected nails carefully once a week.  The website advises continuing with the daily treatment until the nail regains a healthy, normal color which may take some months; however, first results should be visible after a couple of weeks.


Mycosan was not available for purchase directly on the website but directed me to, where it retailed at the special price of £16.99 or approximately $23.36 for one package with a 4 ml tube.  The website states that a 4 ml tube should be at least sufficient for treatment of the large toenail.

Mycosan Nail Fungus Guarantee

The website offered no guarantees for Mycosan, but it did have a list of 3 testimonials from customers who purchased the product on revealed that the product had a 4/5 star review from 12 customers. Strangely, the page was for a product sounding very similar to Mycosan but actually had the name ClearFeet; the product was currently unavailable to be purchased. Perhaps at some time in the past ClearFeet re-branded into Mycosan, but I am not sure.


Mycosan offers a product at a decent price with reasonably good reviews. Unfortunately, the website did not list the ingredients despite multiple claims at a special, patented combination formula with a bio-active ingredient.  This is somewhat worrisome for anyone considering buying the product, as general buyers would like to know what a treatment contains before using it on their body.  Also, all of the reviews for Mycosan are actually for a product named ClearFeet, which sounds very similar to Mycosan but we’re unsure whether or not they are the same product.


Click here to learn about our Top Nail Fungus Treatment Products.