Topical Nail Fungus Treatments

Currently, there is a wide variety of treatments available on the market that all claim to treat and cure nail fungus. Some of these treatments are intended to be taken by mouth and others are topical treatments.

Topical treatments are available over the counter and as a prescription medication. There are two main types of treatments that can be found over the counter. Some of these treatments contain anti-fungal chemicals and others contain all-natural ingredients, also known as alternative treatments. The majority of the population prefers to use natural treatments because there is less risk of interactions, side effects, or damage to the organs.

Prescription Penlac – Topical Prescription Medication

Topical Nail Fungus Treatment MedicationsThis medication is commonly known as Ciclopirox. It is a pretty new medication to the United States. This medication was approved by the FDA in 1999 and was approved in Canada in 2004. Before this medication was accepted by the FDA, prescription treatments for nail fungus infections were all pill form medications and worked on a systemic level. This meant that all prescription medications that were available posed health risks and could do serious damage to the liver.

This medication comes in the form of a nail lacquer. It is painted on like nail polish. The main ingredient, ciclopirox, is considered a broad spectrum anti-fungal agent. Because the medication is painted on like nail polish, it is applied directly to the affected area. The chemical has time to soak into the nail and deliver the necessary anti-fungal agent to the affected area, which is the nail bed.

Since this medication is able to soak through the nail, there is no need for oral anti-fungal medications. The medication is usually prescribed for use for 10 to 12 weeks.

With the increase in the search for all-natural ingredients, there is a wide variety of options to choose from. You can choose a product from allopathic, prescription, natural, or homeopathic remedies. Natural remedies can be found at your local pharmacy and at major department stores, like Wal-Mart or Target.

If you are looking for an effective way to get rid of fungus that is completely natural and homeopathic, ClearFungus is a great option. It is available online and the company offers a great money back guarantee. There are a lot of different testimonials available on their website. The main ingredient is an all-natural fungicide that is combined with other all-natural ingredients. Not only does it help get rid of nail fungus, but it also promotes the growth of a new, healthy nail in its place.

Topical Nail Fungus Treatment MedicationsThere are many different products available on the natural health market. Most of them are topical products that include the same basic ingredients, but at different strengths. Throughout the listings, there can be a huge difference in price between products.

Before you purchase a product, you should read the ingredients list on the company website, or if you are at the store, you should read the label. Any product you purchase should include at least one anti-fungal ingredient in the main ingredient list. It should also include ingredients that promote healthy nail growth and preferably something to condition the surrounding skin to prevent irritation.

One of the best topical fungicides is Tea Tree Oil. It can be purchased at pharmacies, health food stores and online from a wide variety of retailers. The best products you will find contain 100% Tea Tree Oil and are found in spray, lacquer, or thick ointment form. The cream is not considered as effective as these methods.

It is a very personal decision when it comes to your preference in how to treat your nail fungus infection. The best way to find the treatment that is right for you is to talk to your doctor about medications you are on and your specific infection type. For mild to moderate infections, natural remedies may be the best way to treat. This is because prescription medication is a derivative of natural medications and some prescription medications have a similar chemical makeup. In the case of severe infection, it may be necessary to take prescription medication to treat the infection. No matter how you choose to treat your infection, you should research the treatment you are using thoroughly so that you know the risks, interactions, and side effects. Make sure to keep a journal of your progress to ensure that you are getting results.

Nail Fungus Prevention Tips

General Nail Fungus Prevention

Preventing infection of the nail is easier than curing it. It is much easier to keep your feet fungus free than getting rid of it. It is easy to prevent your feet from getting fungus, but that means you need to keep up on it. While it takes a little time each day, it is less time and work than trying to fix nail fungus. Nail fungus attacks anyone and everyone. No one can run from it, just prevent it.

People Who are Most Subject to Nail Fungus Infections are:

  • People who sweat excessively from both their hands and feet.
  • People who already have a nail disorder.
  • People without a good, offensive defense.

There is no order to this disease for attacking someone. It can live wherever.

Prevention Ideas

  • Nail Fungus Prevention TipsWhen in public places where there is water, such as baths, swimming pools and locker rooms, wear protective footwear. These are perfect places for spores to be transferred from someone who already has a nail fungus.
  • Clean your nails with soap and keep them short and trimmed and mostly dry since fungus likes dampness the most.
  • If your feet sweat, let your shoes air out and dry. Also change socks regularly or wear sandals, since they will help your feet to stay dry. If you have already come in contact with fungal spores, use anti-fungal spray to help fight them off.
  • Nail polish also acts as a shield that locks in humidity and blocks light that helps the fungus thrive.
  • Make sure your nail salon sterilizes all their equipment properly.
  • Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before applying anything to your hands or feet and after applying ointment or medication anywhere else.
  • Picking at the skin around the nail can irritate the skin and allow a fungus to invade your skin.
  • Keep an eye out for any symptoms that may develop; and if they show up, treat them early to keep the infection from getting any worse.
  • Keep your immune system in tip-top shape to fight off infection by eating a healthy and balanced diet.

Removing Your Nail to Treat Nail Fungus

When to Remove All or Part of a Nail

Is removing all or a portion of your nail effective in treating nail fungus? Currently, the answer to this question is still up in the air. There has been very little research done on the treatment of removing the nail to treat a fungal infection. This is because it is rarely done and is used as a last resort only. If you are not able to take any of the oral medications due to health reasons, and you have tried other remedies to treat your nail, your doctor may see this as an option to treat your nail.

If you have suffered through recurring nail fungus infections, you may need to make lifestyle changes, change the way you eat, or do a full-body cleanse to remove the source of the infection so it does not come back.

How Does Nail Removal Work?

You only have two options for having your nail removed. These options are:

  • Complete removal – commonly referred to as avulsion
  • Partial removal – commonly known as debridement

Two Methods of Removing the Nail

There are two methods of removing the nail. These methods are:

Removing a Portion or Your Entire Nail to Treat Nail FungusSurgery – Your doctor will use a local anesthetic to numb the skin around the nail. A tool is then used to separate your nail from the nail bed and surrounding skin. Once the nail is removed, the nail bed and skin should heal in about 3 weeks.

Ointment – Using this method, your doctor covers the skin around your nail to protect it. An ointment is then placed on the nail. This is then covered with a plastic dressing, which you will have to keep dry. After a week or so, the nail should be soft enough for your doctor to remove it. The nail bed should heal in about 2 to 3 weeks.

After either procedure, your doctor will most likely recommend an oral anti-fungal medication, or they may recommend putting a topical anti-fungal ointment on the exposed nail bed. A removed fingernail could take 6 months to come back; a toenail could take up to 18 months.

If the infection comes back after the nail grows back, your doctor may recommend removing the nail again and putting a cream on it to keep the nail from growing back.

Possible Side Effects?

When the nail has been removed, you have to keep the area extremely clean and dry to prevent a different infection of the area. You may need to use an antibiotic cream.

Another problem you may face is that the side or corner of your nail could regrow into the surrounding skin, also known as an ingrown toenail. The symptoms of an ingrown toenail can be treated by soaking your foot in warm salt water and then propping the ingrown portion of your nail to encourage it to grow above the skin. A severe ingrown toenail may require you to go to your doctor for further treatment.

Treating Fingernail Fungus

Our nails, both fingernails and toenails, are made up of keratin. The structure of them is similar to bone but they are very different in many ways. The nail works to protect the skin, and the appearance of nails can tell a lot about what is going on inside the human body.

Most, but not all, people are familiar with the concept of toenail fungus infections. There are a great many people who have some type of toenail fungal infection. This is because toes spend a lot of time in shoes, which are a dark, damp environment. They also come into contact with a large amount of items that carry and hold fungal spores.

Treating Fingernail Fungus InfectionsWhat is less commonly known is that fingernails can also become infected, just as toenails can. Typically, the first sign of infection is the nail changing color and becoming thicker, especially across the tip of the finger nail. Because hands are open and difficult to cover up, it can be very embarrassing to those who suffer from it. The first instinct is to cover up the discoloration with nail polish. However, this can cause the infection to get worse because it seals in humidity and prevents light from getting to the fungus to destroy it. Nail polish creates the ultimate breeding ground underneath the nail by providing the exact environment that a fungus needs to survive.  The fungus will not go away on its own, and without treatment it will get worse and could spread to other nails and other people.

Treatments for Nail Fungus

There are a lot of available treatments to get rid of nail fungus. Oral anti-fungal prescription medications are one of the most effective methods. However, people try to avoid taking these because they can have some really harsh and dangerous side effects, including liver toxicity. There are also anti-fungal creams and solutions that are easy to purchase over the counter and some come at a very low price. Several of the options available to you are considered alternative remedies. These products use all-natural oils that contain anti-fungal properties on their own without relying on man-made chemicals.

The most popular anti-fungal treatment is a product called ClearFungus. This product combines two essential oils that are known to kill the fungus that affects nails while it moisturizes the surrounding skin and promotes healthy nail growth. To date, there are no side effects reported by consumers who have used this product.

Tips to Reduce Your Treatment Time

There are some important tips you should follow in order to reduce your treatment time and assist in the healing process.

  • Maintain a regular schedule of applying anti-fungal solution to your nails.
  • Maintain good hygiene. Sometimes, this may force you to change some of your regular habits.
  • Wash your hands on a regular basis. Use soap every time you wash your hands. Scrub your nails and underneath your nails with a stiff brush to remove any dirt that gets under your nails or into the ridges of your nails.
  • Do not use your nails to open, unscrew, or perform any other action that can be classified as using your nail as a tool. This can cause a split in your nail, allowing the fungal infection to bury itself deeper into your nail.
  • Make sure any salon you go to for manicures or pedicures washes and sterilizes the equipment so that you do not risk getting a secondary fungal infection.
  • Do not wear nail polish. While it may be embarrassing to have discolored nails, nail polish will hold moisture inside and can cause the fungus to grow more rapidly and spread to unaffected areas.Treating Fingernail Fungus Infections
  • Use and do not share your own nail maintenance tools. Never share clippers, files, cuticle sticks, or any other tool that is used on your nails.
  • Wash your hands and feet thoroughly. Ensure that they are thoroughly dry.
  • Pay careful attention to your nails. Catching a fungal infection early in its process makes treatment a lot easier and less time-consuming.
  • Do not expose your fingernails to chemicals. If you have to work with chemicals, use gloves to protect yourself.

If you have tried the advice listed here and your fungal infection is not responding to treatment, see your doctor; there could be other underlying problems, or you may need to try a prescription anti-fungal medication for best results.

Toenail Fungus Treatment Options

Treatments for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a common disease that can be contracted by everyone. It is also one of the most difficult ones to cure. Before it can be treated, you have to determine what caused it, which requires the help of a physician. Toenail infections can be fungal, bacterial, or something completely unrelated. If it is found to be an infection, you must then determine whether it is Dermatophyte or yeast that is causing the infection.

Most people are not aware that there are home remedies for treating nail fungus, while others are not sure whether their particular fungus is treatable using a home remedy. Please note, that if your infection has reached the point where there is drainage, pain, or swelling, you must see a physician because you are past the point where a home remedy will work effectively. Trying to treat it yourself at that stage may pose the risk of more damage to the surrounding tissue. At such a point, medical intervention is necessary.

Home Remedies

Toenail Fungus Treatment OptionsHome remedies are extremely effective, especially when treating the early signs and symptoms of toenail fungus. While some people still see home remedies as “iffy”, they are effective. When you really think about it, home remedies were the only option a few hundred years ago and science is showing that they are, in some cases, more effective than standard medicine.

Many of the home remedy methods may seem a bit strange, but the science that backs them is very strong. Natural fungicides are widely available on the market, and even doctors attest that sometimes they are more effective than prescription options.

For example, soaking your feet in vinegar may sound gross at first, not to mention vinegar is rather smelly. However, for years vinegar has been used as a natural disinfectant in both treating illness and in cleaning. Just like any home remedy, vinegar must be tried in the early stages of a nail fungus infection. Once the fungus has caused separation of the nail or open sores, dipping your feet in vinegar or Listerine can be very painful.

Modern Medical Community

The modern medical community has created a lot of different solutions for nail fungus by using pharmaceutical companies to create various medications to treat them.

If you catch the infection early on, your doctor is likely to prescribe a paint-on, clear-coat nail medication. If the product does not work to clear up the infection, your doctor may next prescribe an oral medication taken in pill form. Do this only under the close supervision of a doctor. This is because oral anti-fungal medications can cause severe, toxic effects to the liver. See your doctor regularly if you are taking oral anti-fungal medications, which can make this method of treatment very expensive.

Toenail Fungus Treatment OptionsMake sure to let your doctor know about any medications you are taking, both prescription and herbal, even vitamin supplements. Knowing this information lets your doctor make the right choice with the medication he or she prescribes, because some of them can cause severe interactions if used with other things.

While the best course of treatment is prevention and early detection, nail fungus does not cause any severe side effects early on. This means that it is easy to overlook, especially for those who wear nail polish or shoes on a regular basis. Nail fungus is easier to ignore if it is on your feet, very likely during the colder months where your feet are covered with shoes. Those who do not know much about nail fungus may feel that it will go away on its own or that it is just the lighting in the room they are in. Shortly after, they forget about it until it begins to cause issues, like disfiguring the nail.

The most important thing in treatment is catching the infection early on and preventing the fungus from reaching the nail bed, where it will grow faster.