The Most Effective Nail Fungus Treatments

Treatments for Nail Fungus Infections

When you are trying to get rid of nail fungus, choose a treatment that is right for you. There are a lot of options, even if this is a long-term or severe infection. Regardless of this, there is a way to treat and completely get rid of any infection. No matter what treatment you choose, it requires patience, as it can take several months to see full results from the treatment you choose.

Important Points you Should Know about Treating Nail Fungus Infections

  • What Are the Most Effective Treatments for Nail Fungus Infections?Getting rid of a fungal infection that affects the finger- or toenail can be a long process. It doesn’t matter which treatment you choose, it will take at least a few months.
  • Nail fungus that affects fingernails is usually easier to get rid of. This is because your hands have access to fresh air more than your feet, which are constricted in shoes.
  • Some prescription medications for nail fungus can cause liver damage. During treatment with prescription medications, your doctor may order periodic liver function tests to ensure that your liver is healthy enough to undergo treatment.
  • The most common method of treating nail fungus is through oral medications. This may be used in combination with treatments applied directly to the nail. A less severe form of nail fungus may be treated with a paint-on nail varnish or product containing tea tree oil.
  • For severe infections, or those that reoccur, your doctor may recommend removing all or part of the nail. This is not typically done unless other treatments have repeatedly failed.
  • Most cases of nail fungus, as long as they are mild cases, are typically left alone to go away on their own.

There are many things you can do to prevent a nail fungus from coming back. If you are interested in this information, read “Preventing Nail Fungus Infections”

Current Treatments Available for Nail Fungus Infections

What Are the Most Effective Treatments for Nail Fungus Infections?With all of the treatments on the market today, how do you find the best one available? Here we have composed a list of treatments that are available. We have divided it into three different categories which will make the decision easier for you.

Before you make up your mind set on any specific treatment, you should talk to your doctor about the best course of action. You can also use up-to-date medical research to determine which treatment option is best for you before you talk to your doctor.

Shown Effective and Safer Than Most Methods

Itraconazole (Sporanox)

An oral medication that provides anti-fungal properties. It is effective in treating infections that are caused by a fungus.

Terbinafine Pills (Lamisil)

An anti-fungal medication that is taken orally. It is effective in treating fungal infections in the nail.

Treatments Considered Effective but Possibly Harmful

Fluconazole Pills (Diflucan)

An anti-fungal medication that is taken orally. While it is considered effective in treating fungal infections of the nail, it is not commonly prescribed for this treatment.

Ciclopirox Lacquer (Penlac Nail Lacquer)

This is a great choice if you are trying to avoid taking oral medications to treat a nail fungus infection. It is typically more effective in treating infections that are mild in nature. This treatment goes on like a nail polish and is applied to the affected area.

Treatments That Need More Research

Griseofulvin Pills (Grifulvin V)

What Are the Most Effective Treatments for Nail Fungus Infections?This is considered an antibiotic. While it can be used for treatment of nail fungus, it is not as effective as other options.

Ketoconazole Pills (Nizoral)

While this medication is considered an antifungal, it is rarely used. This is because it can cause severe liver damage.

Terbinafine Cream or Spray

This medication comes as a cream or spray. It is effective in treating fungal infections but it takes quite a long time for it to work. This cream is commonly known as Lamisil.`

Removing Part of Your Nail

Typically, this is the treatment for a severe nail infection. It can also be used if someone experiences recurring infections. Before this is considered, doctors will try several different treatments as it can take quite a while for the nail to grow back.

Prescription Drugs and Curing Toenail Fungus

Using Drugs to Cure Toenail Fungus

Prescription Drugs and Curing Toenail FungusWith advancements in modern medicine, curing toenail fungus has become become a regular occurrence. Toenail fungal infections can spread really easily, both from nail to nail and from person to person. This is why treating it as early as possible is a great concern.

What Does a Toenail Infection Look Like?

The most common, and first symptom is a discolored nail. The color of the nail is typically white or yellowish. After the infection reaches the nail bed, it can easily turn dark yellow and develop brown spots. The nail becomes thick and brittle as the fungus reaches further into the nail or into the nail bed. This is because the fungus’s sole goal is to spread as fast as possible to keep itself alive.

A nail fungus infection begins when people are exposed to the spores of the fungus. This is easier than you may think. All it takes is being barefoot, especially in areas that are dirty or used by a lot of barefoot people. This can happen fairly easily if your shoes are dirty or damaged, especially if you have sweaty feet or live in a humid area.

Nails can easily become discolored if you have any damage to the nail, especially if it rubs on a shoe or if you have a skin condition. Always see your doctor whenever you have any discoloration of your nail. This lets you work with your doctor to come up with the best possible treatment for you and your specific needs, given your prior health history.

Topical Medications

A frequently prescribed medication for a toenail fungus infection is Penlac, also known as ciclopirox. This approach uses paint-on nail polish that has to be applied to the nail once or twice daily. Over time, it kills the fungal infection. Typically, it takes a few months to completely kill off the infection.

Side Effects

This medication has been known to cause irritation and itching in the skin surrounding the nail.

Oral Anti-fungal Medications

Prescription Drugs and Curing Toenail FungusThere are many commonly prescribed oral medications for getting rid of toenail fungus. These medications are Lamisil, Sporanox, and Itraconazole. These drugs typically take at least 12 weeks to completely kill a fungal infection. After this, it can take up to 9 months to regrow a healthy toenail.

All of the oral medications that can be prescribed pose risks of side effects. If at any time during your treatment you have abdominal pain, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, yellowing of the skin or eyes,  dark urine, or anything else that is unlike your typical function, stop taking the medication and call your doctor immediately.

These prescriptions are not advised for people who have a history of liver or heart problems. Let your doctor know if you have a history, or if you have a family history of these problems.

Modern medicine has made it easier to cure toenail fungus and has provided a great deal of anti-fungal medications. Treating this disorder is of really high concern, especially since it can spread so easily.


Paronychia: What it is and How to treat it

Paronychia is a disease that affects the perimeter of the nail. It causes the skin around the nail to hang loosely. It is more common in the United States, and is normally found in kids who bite their nails or suck on their fingers.

There are two forms of this infection, and the type of infection is determined by the length of time that the virus is in the body. Unlike most infections that affect the nail this is not a fungal infection, it is a viral one. It is typically caused by a mold or the yeast Candida. The condition can be passed from person to person through touch.

Causes of Paronychia

ParonychiaMost forms of this disorder are caused by a break in the skin, typically a hang nail or the location where the nail is bitten. At times, the bacteria Streptococcus and Pseudomonas manage to get into the infected area and make it worse. If the infection is considered chronic, it is typically the result of a yeast called Candida.

The acute version of Paronychia happens when the skin around the nail swells and causes severe pain to the affected person. At times, pus can develop and can ooze from around the nail.

Chronic Paronychia lasts for a long time and can cause the skin around the nail to develop a greenish color.


A diagnosis of acute paronychia is made by visual examination. The type of infection can be made by taking a culture of the pus and examining it. Once the type of infection is identified, a treatment can be described.

A chronic case of paronychia can be more difficult to diagnose. This is because the bacteria must be tested to ensure that it is properly treated.

Treatment for Paronychia

  • ParonychiaOne of the recommended treatments for paronychia is to massage the affected area under hot water 3 to 4 times per day. This can be extremely painful because any form of touch can really hurt.
  • Antibiotics like cephalexin may be prescribed.
  • If the swelling is severe and the pain is extremely bad, they may have to puncture the location of the pus pocket and drain it.
  • Part of the nail may have to be removed in some cases.
  • An antifungal may be prescribed to treat it if the origin was determined to be fungal.

Things Not to Use to Treat Paronychia

  • Do not use Antibiotics
  • Do not take prescription steroids

Usual Cases Where Paronychia Has Affected

  • AIDS and HIV Patients
  • Patients on Steroids
  • Patients with High Blood Sugar
  • Poor Circulation

How To Prevent Paronychia

  • Do not bite your nails
  • Do not suck on your fingers
  • Do not submerse hands or feet in water for prolonged periods of time without gloves

Removing Your Nail to Treat Nail Fungus

When to Remove All or Part of a Nail

Is removing all or a portion of your nail effective in treating nail fungus? Currently, the answer to this question is still up in the air. There has been very little research done on the treatment of removing the nail to treat a fungal infection. This is because it is rarely done and is used as a last resort only. If you are not able to take any of the oral medications due to health reasons, and you have tried other remedies to treat your nail, your doctor may see this as an option to treat your nail.

If you have suffered through recurring nail fungus infections, you may need to make lifestyle changes, change the way you eat, or do a full-body cleanse to remove the source of the infection so it does not come back.

How Does Nail Removal Work?

You only have two options for having your nail removed. These options are:

  • Complete removal – commonly referred to as avulsion
  • Partial removal – commonly known as debridement

Two Methods of Removing the Nail

There are two methods of removing the nail. These methods are:

Removing a Portion or Your Entire Nail to Treat Nail FungusSurgery – Your doctor will use a local anesthetic to numb the skin around the nail. A tool is then used to separate your nail from the nail bed and surrounding skin. Once the nail is removed, the nail bed and skin should heal in about 3 weeks.

Ointment – Using this method, your doctor covers the skin around your nail to protect it. An ointment is then placed on the nail. This is then covered with a plastic dressing, which you will have to keep dry. After a week or so, the nail should be soft enough for your doctor to remove it. The nail bed should heal in about 2 to 3 weeks.

After either procedure, your doctor will most likely recommend an oral anti-fungal medication, or they may recommend putting a topical anti-fungal ointment on the exposed nail bed. A removed fingernail could take 6 months to come back; a toenail could take up to 18 months.

If the infection comes back after the nail grows back, your doctor may recommend removing the nail again and putting a cream on it to keep the nail from growing back.

Possible Side Effects?

When the nail has been removed, you have to keep the area extremely clean and dry to prevent a different infection of the area. You may need to use an antibiotic cream.

Another problem you may face is that the side or corner of your nail could regrow into the surrounding skin, also known as an ingrown toenail. The symptoms of an ingrown toenail can be treated by soaking your foot in warm salt water and then propping the ingrown portion of your nail to encourage it to grow above the skin. A severe ingrown toenail may require you to go to your doctor for further treatment.

Onychomycosis-Nail Fungus Infection

Onychomycosis: Its Symptoms and Treatment

Onychomycosis is a generalized term that covers several different type of nail fungus infections. Fingernails and toenails are necessary to protect sensitive areas of our body and keep the tissue below them from becoming damaged.  Onychomycosis, is a condition that makes our nails look bad and makes them structurally weak. Treatment can take a long time no matter what method you choose.

Symptoms of Onychomycosis

  • The first noted symptom is that the nail begins to change color. Typically, the color changes to either white or yellow.Onychomycosis-Nail Fungus Infection
  • Typically, this process starts at the tip of the nail and works its way to the cuticle. In some rare cases, the infection starts at the cuticle and works toward the tip. Usually, this type of infection results in the loss of the nail.
  • The nail begins to harden and become thick.
  • The nail can develop yellow or brown spots.
  • The nail surface may begin to crumble or flake off.
  • Eventually, the nail may pull away from the nail bed and partially or completely fall off.
  • The symptoms of this disorder can cause embarrassment in public places.
  • If the toenails are affected, the ability to walk or feel the floor may be affected and it could cause pain or discomfort.

Causes and Hazards

Onychomycosis can be contracted by anyone at any time. While it can be found in all age groups, it is most often seen in the older population. People between the ages of 40 and 90 are more likely to have nail fungus than someone in their youth. Diseases such as diabetes or decreased circulation can assist in fungal growth.

The best way to decrease the possibility of contracting fungal infections is to take care of your nails and to take proper precautions to avoid contact with it.

Treating and Repairing Damage from Onychomycosis

Onychomycosis-Nail Fungus InfectionOne of the most difficult and trying factors in treating nail fungus is that it takes a long time to cure. It is easy to get frustrated and give up before they are able to cure the infection.

The best way to treat a nail fungus infection is to treat the area with an anti-fungal treatment. These can be purchased in topical, oral, and prescription form. The earlier you catch the infection, the easier it is to treat. It is important to catch the disorder before it spreads to the nail bed below the nail. Once it reaches this point, it is harder to get to.

If the infection has become severe, or the entire nail has become affected, it may be necessary to have the nail surgically removed, or to use prescription strength antifungal medication.

Nail Fungus Treatment Questions

Nail Fungus Treatments

Nail fungus is a problem that affects people on a global scale. A lot of people don’t understand how nail fungus is contracted and how to prevent themselves from getting nail fungus infections.

There are eight main questions below, answered so that you can better understand what nail fungus infections are and what causes them.

What Is a Nail Fungus Infection?

A nail fungus infection is characterized by dermaphytes. Dermaphytes are microscopic organisms and a form of fungus. They do not require light to grow. They are spores that cause this type of infection, which cause the nails to be thick and yellow.

Why Is the Nail Such a Perfect Place for Fungal Organisms to Live?

Fungus prefers areas where it is dark, damp, and warm. Socks and shoes provide the perfect place for these organisms to live because they fit these criteria.

Is Everyone at Risk for Developing Nail Fungus?

Questions About Nail Fungus TreatmentsYes, everyone can develop nail fungus. The older you are, the more likely it is for you to suffer from nail fungus infections.

Is It Contagious?

Nail fungus infections are contagious. It is more likely for a person to contract a nail fungus infection if they have damaged nails or skin. A great place for it to be contracted is a public area such as pools, locker rooms, and other public areas that are damp, warm and people are barefoot regularly.

Are Fingernails or Toenails Affected More Often?

While fingernails can contract nail fungus, toenails are more likely to contract the infection. This is because it is more likely for toenails to develop the infection. This is because they are enclosed in shoes and socks, and shoes are a dark, damp environment.

Are Fungal Infections Dangerous?

Nail fungus infections are not dangerous by themselves. However, the infection can become very serious if it is not treated. The disease itself can be dangerous if the patient has other medical problems that make nail fungus infections easier to develop.

Can I Still Wear Nail Polish?

No, it is recommended, while you are undergoing treatment for nail fungus, not to use nail polish of any kind. Your nails need to breathe and nail polish creates a barrier between your nail and the air around it. It also seals in humidity which makes the nail fungus more likely to spread.

Will Nail Fungus Go Away By Itself?

Nail fungus will not go away on its own. However, the sooner you are able to determine the infection is present, the easier it is for you to get treatment. The longer the fungal infection is allowed to go, the more likely it is that the infection will get worse and the less likely you will be able to use over the counter treatments to get rid of it.

Treating Fingernail Fungus

Our nails, both fingernails and toenails, are made up of keratin. The structure of them is similar to bone but they are very different in many ways. The nail works to protect the skin, and the appearance of nails can tell a lot about what is going on inside the human body.

Most, but not all, people are familiar with the concept of toenail fungus infections. There are a great many people who have some type of toenail fungal infection. This is because toes spend a lot of time in shoes, which are a dark, damp environment. They also come into contact with a large amount of items that carry and hold fungal spores.

Treating Fingernail Fungus InfectionsWhat is less commonly known is that fingernails can also become infected, just as toenails can. Typically, the first sign of infection is the nail changing color and becoming thicker, especially across the tip of the finger nail. Because hands are open and difficult to cover up, it can be very embarrassing to those who suffer from it. The first instinct is to cover up the discoloration with nail polish. However, this can cause the infection to get worse because it seals in humidity and prevents light from getting to the fungus to destroy it. Nail polish creates the ultimate breeding ground underneath the nail by providing the exact environment that a fungus needs to survive.  The fungus will not go away on its own, and without treatment it will get worse and could spread to other nails and other people.

Treatments for Nail Fungus

There are a lot of available treatments to get rid of nail fungus. Oral anti-fungal prescription medications are one of the most effective methods. However, people try to avoid taking these because they can have some really harsh and dangerous side effects, including liver toxicity. There are also anti-fungal creams and solutions that are easy to purchase over the counter and some come at a very low price. Several of the options available to you are considered alternative remedies. These products use all-natural oils that contain anti-fungal properties on their own without relying on man-made chemicals.

The most popular anti-fungal treatment is a product called ClearFungus. This product combines two essential oils that are known to kill the fungus that affects nails while it moisturizes the surrounding skin and promotes healthy nail growth. To date, there are no side effects reported by consumers who have used this product.

Tips to Reduce Your Treatment Time

There are some important tips you should follow in order to reduce your treatment time and assist in the healing process.

  • Maintain a regular schedule of applying anti-fungal solution to your nails.
  • Maintain good hygiene. Sometimes, this may force you to change some of your regular habits.
  • Wash your hands on a regular basis. Use soap every time you wash your hands. Scrub your nails and underneath your nails with a stiff brush to remove any dirt that gets under your nails or into the ridges of your nails.
  • Do not use your nails to open, unscrew, or perform any other action that can be classified as using your nail as a tool. This can cause a split in your nail, allowing the fungal infection to bury itself deeper into your nail.
  • Make sure any salon you go to for manicures or pedicures washes and sterilizes the equipment so that you do not risk getting a secondary fungal infection.
  • Do not wear nail polish. While it may be embarrassing to have discolored nails, nail polish will hold moisture inside and can cause the fungus to grow more rapidly and spread to unaffected areas.Treating Fingernail Fungus Infections
  • Use and do not share your own nail maintenance tools. Never share clippers, files, cuticle sticks, or any other tool that is used on your nails.
  • Wash your hands and feet thoroughly. Ensure that they are thoroughly dry.
  • Pay careful attention to your nails. Catching a fungal infection early in its process makes treatment a lot easier and less time-consuming.
  • Do not expose your fingernails to chemicals. If you have to work with chemicals, use gloves to protect yourself.

If you have tried the advice listed here and your fungal infection is not responding to treatment, see your doctor; there could be other underlying problems, or you may need to try a prescription anti-fungal medication for best results.

Do Home Remedies for Nail Fungus Work?

Home Remedies for Nail Fungus

There are a lot of people who suffer from onychomycosis. This disorder is more commonly called nail fungus, or finger or toenail fungus. A lot of the prescription drugs available have been shown to cause liver damage, and some of them can be very severe.

Because of the risks associated with medications, people began searching out alternative and natural remedies to treat onychomycosis. Of course this brings up the question, “do home remedies really work and are they safe?”

There are a lot of different home remedies suggested by friends, relatives, and people online for this disorder. While not many clinical trials on home remedies have been completed, there is some evidence from personal experience of various people. Overall, it depends greatly on the type of nail fungus and the individual person. In all honesty, there is minimal risk, if any, of making the infection worse by trying inexpensive home remedies.

Note that if the nail bed and lunula of the nail are affected, over-the-counter remedies are not effective. The only treatment for an infection at this point is to receive an oral medication via prescription from a physician.


Do Home Remedies for Nail Fungus Work?Listerine is a common home remedy. It  advertises complete the destruction of bacteria and germs. However, the main focus of the mouthwash is to treat gum disease. This is a very inexpensive and common treatment for nail fungus, both on the toenail and on the fingernail. The ingredients in the mouthwash are ethanol, thymol, eucalypton and benzoic acid.

To treat onychomycosis with Listerine, soak the affected nails in 100% pure Listerine for 10 minutes per day until the infection clears up.

Onychomycosis can be caused by several different factors. One of the common fungi that attack toenails is Candida. It is a common infection in the mouth, as well. However, in the mouth, it is characterized by white spots.

While Candida is typically referred to as a yeast infection, it is a fungal yeast infection. This is why it is treated with antifungal medications in a mouthwash, such as using Listerine a few times per day.

Another cause of onychomycosis is dermatophytes, which does not respond to Listerine. Basically, effectively treating the infection with Listerine depends on the type of fungus affecting the nail. While it may not cure all fungal infections, if you are looking for a natural remedy, it never hurts to try this method before resorting to prescription medications and the hazards that come with them.


Do Home Remedies for Nail Fungus Work?Vinegar is very acidic. In the case of dermatophyte onychomycosis it has proven to be very effective. If you use vinegar to treat dermatophyte onychomycosis, use a mixture of one part vinegar to two parts water.

Continue this treatment for 20 minutes every day. Because of the acidic environment created by vinegar, it makes the nail less habitable for the fungus, thus preventing it from growing any further. Over time, vinegar weakens the existing fungus spores. Since they no longer breed and become weak, they die off without leaving any spores to take their place.

Important note: Vinegar is very acidic. If the treatment causes irritation around the nail, and if the irritation causes discomfort, discontinue it. Expect some irritation in the area, as the fungus gradually dies off.

Just like an infected sore being treated with an antibacterial cream, there may be some redness around the affected nail.

There is no evidence that one type of vinegar works better than another. Equally good results have been reported while using apple cider vinegar, instead of white vinegar.


Do Home Remedies for Nail Fungus Work?The way VapoRub is made makes it a great treatment for onychomycosis. This is because it is able to penetrate the nail and is better able to get to the actual source under the nail.

Even many doctors commonly recommend and report positive effects from using this treatment. Physicians like this treatment works because it is composed of petroleum jelly. This jelly is then infused with oils, like menthol, which is able to penetrate the nail and possibly suffocate the fungus.

To use VapoRub as a treatment, rub it on the affected area. The amount you use is up to you. After you apply it, wear socks or a glove over the treated area for at least 20 minutes. Make sure that whatever you choose to cover the area is 100% cotton and breathable to prevent reinfection.

While not many studies have been done on ingesting VapoRub, it is not recommended to eat it. This could be harmful, since it is petroleum based, but at the very least it tastes extremely gross.

Tea Tree Oil

Do Home Remedies for Nail Fungus Work?Tea Tree Oil has been proven to be an effective antifungal agent. You can use it in many different ways. Pour it into a dish and soak the nails in it to protect nails not currently affected from developing an infection. Tea Tree Oil has been proven effective for treatment of all types of onychomycosis.

Tea Tree Oil has been tested in many different clinical trials, and it has shown a 20% cure rate. In order for Tea Tree Oil to work, it must be 100% undiluted Tea Tree Oil only. It is only for topical treatment. Never ingest it as it can cause severe toxic conditions.

Green Tea Extract

Do Home Remedies for Nail Fungus Work?Green tea extract, also known as Camellia Sinensis, is a widespread herbal remedy. It is shown to treat many different problems from obesity to nail fungus. It is recommended that you soak your nails in it for about 20 minutes daily.

To date, there have been no clinical trials done on Green Tea Extract. However, there have been several reports from consumers using it as a treatment and they claim it worked for them.

Easy to Use Nail Fungus Home Remedies

Nail Fungus Home Remedies

Having a nail fungus infection on your fingernails or toenails can be embarrassing; some sufferers have even referred to it as humiliating. There are many ways to treat nail fungus infections, and here we will share some of them with you.Easy to Use Nail Fungus Home Remedies

How Does A Nail Become Infected?

Toenails can become infected extremely easily. This is because they are constantly coming into contact with microorganisms that naturally make contact with skin. They are then able to attach to the nail sheath and eventually work their way underneath the nail and into the nail bed. The reason toenails are so prone to becoming infected by fungal spores is because they provide the perfect breeding ground, especially when it comes to someone who wears shoes and socks for the majority of the day. People who wear the same pair of shoes every day are more susceptible to developing a fungal infection than those who alternate pairs of shoes every day and allow their shoes to dry out completely before wearing them again.

It is very important to trim your toenails. Trim toenails close to the skin. Accidental chips in the nail can become an easy entry point for fungal infections.

Wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe. Wearing shoes that are too tight can cause toenail fungus because there is no air circulation inside your shoes. Also, if your shoes rub, they could easily leave an opening for a fungal infection to invade your nails or the surrounding tissue.

Typical Symptoms of Nail Fungus Infections

  • Discoloration of the toenail, could be white or yellow
  • Nail becomes thick or disfigured
  • A stinging feeling or pain from around the nail
  • Brown or black spots on the nail
  • Pieces of the nail crumble, break off, flake off easily
  • Oozing pus from around the nail
  • A nail falling off completely

Recommended Home Remedies for Nail Fungus Infections

The sooner you catch a nail fungus infection, the easier it is to treat. If the nail fungus is already established, it will take longer for the fungus to respond to treatment, and the longer it is allowed to go, the more likely it is for you to need prescription treatment.

Here is a list of recommended treatments to use at home in treating nail fungus caught in the early stages:

  • Easy to Use Nail Fungus Home RemediesClearFungus – This is one of the leading natural remedies used for curing toenail fungal infections. Considered a natural product that offers antifungal properties, it is not considered a home remedy. The natural ingredients in it are formulated to kill toenail fungus and help create healthy nail growth.
  • VapoRub – Although it is not clear why this product is effective, it is great at stopping the growth and spread of fungal infections. The treatment does not kill the fungus, but it does prevent it from spreading and allows a healthy nail to grow until the infection has been completely trimmed away. There have not been any clinical trials completed on this product.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide, Listerine and Rubbing Alcohol – Either combined or separately, all of these chemicals have shown major strides in the ability to treat nail fungus. They all provide antiseptic properties. Soak your nails and surrounding areas in your choice of these solutions. They can be combined or used separately for 20 minutes twice per day.
  • Tea Tree Oil – This oil is considered a very powerful antiseptic and antifungal essential oil. Wash and dry your feet before using this product. Rub the oil on the affected area and surrounding skin twice per day after washing.
  • Vinegar – Mix vinegar with equal parts water. Soak your toes in the solution for 20 to 30 minutes. Wash thoroughly and dry completely.

These remedies are great to use if the infection is caught in its early stages. If you follow instructions, you may be able to clear the infection up yourself. If the symptoms are bad, or you catch the infection later in the cycle, speak to your doctor before using a home remedy.

How to Cure Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree Oil

Curing Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree Oil

It is not very common for a doctor to recommend natural remedies for treatment of nail fungus. They tend to recommend prescription medications. However, Tea Tree Oil is completely overlooked even though it has been shown effective in treating nail fungus and completely eliminating it. The Mayo Clinic, a well-known source, confirms that Tea Tree Oil is effective. Why is this particular oil effective? It has its own natural anti-fungal properties.

How to Cure Toenail Fungus with Tea Tree OilTea Tree Oil comes from a plant native to Australia. People have it used for centuries to treat infections of various origins. The plant has antimicrobial properties effective in treating infections. The medical community sees a lot of potential in using this oil to treat infections, but they still typically rely solely on man-made medications rather than recommending natural remedies. Treating fungal infections can take a long time and it is very common for someone to give up and drop out of a trial, which throws off the results. Losing just one person from a trial can cause a study to be inconclusive or completely void the trial all together.

The Popularity of Tea Tree Oil

It doesn’t matter how many studies exist on this product, the general public has taken to it extremely well. Tea Tree Oil can be found in a lot of products and a lot of distributors love it. All through the internet you can find people talking about how Tea Tree Oil helped treat their nail fungus and how well it worked. You can find this both on distributor’s testimonials and on different websites.

Customers were excited by the way the treatments worked. The treatments work differently depending on the person and don’t work for everyone.

For Tea Tree Oil to work, it is recommended to be 100% pure and applied directly to the affected nail, as well as the skin around it. This is because this is the perfect place for the fungus to hide. In order for it to be completely effective, it is recommended to use a Tea Tree Oil soap and wash thoroughly with it. Afterwards, you should dry your feet or hands completely and then apply the Tea Tree Oil to the affected area. It should be used several times per day. It is important to be very careful not to use too much. This is because it can irritate the skin.

Tee Tree Oil is a topical treatment. Never ingest it under any circumstances. If ingested, it can cause a severe toxic reaction.

If at any point during treatment with Tea Tree Oil you experience any symptoms of allergic reaction, stop using it immediately and contact your doctor.

Even though Tea Tree Oil is a natural treatment, let your doctor know that you are using it and keep him or her up to date on how your treatment is going.